"I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst

of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."
Adlai E. Stevenson, American statesman (1900-1965).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to reality...

This morning on msnbc, Sarah Plain (Freudian slip?) was the hot topic of conversation, as usual.

It was mentioned that the American public may perceive that Gov. Palin was unfairly "pressured and put on the spot," during her interview with Charlie Gibson, therefore, gaining her sympathy from the masses.

I ask you, Small Town America, is this even an issue? Should we give a damn if the woman was a little out of her comfort zone?

In my view, being pressured and put on the spot are in the job description. There is no fair or unfair when you are sitting across from Medvedev or Putin or Kim Jong-Il (or any of his body-doubles.)

This reminds me of one of my favorite lines: "There's no crying in baseball."
Scooby Snack to the first person who names the movie and the actor that said it.


  1. Tom Hanks said it in the movie "A League Of Their Own"

  2. Scooby Snack to you, pguston!

    Love that movie.

  3. Palin wasn't wrong.......Charlie was. I'd advise someone look up the definition of the Bush Doctrine. Palin was completely right when she asked him to clarify.

    Her only fault was that she was too polite to point out that he was incorrect :)


Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it

~George Santayana

They must have read my mind...

hat tip to abaycircus for finding this gem: