"I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst

of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."
Adlai E. Stevenson, American statesman (1900-1965).

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Letter to Nancy Martin

I wrote this post on 9/21 (before Nancy Martin was chosen as the new SLCRPC) and chose not to publish it. As I have now met Nancy Martin, I would like to share it with her. It is my hope that she learn from her predecessor's mistakes. I am a Democrat--so what do I care, right? Well, there are people very close to me that are Republicans...family, friends...I feel they need--deserve--better representation.

Open letter to St. Lawrence County Republicans...

It has come to my attention that you will soon be choosing a new Republican Party Chair for St. Lawrence County.

I know very little personally about either of your two choices, Nancy Martin and Janet Kelly.

I do know this, however: Janet Kelly is a piss-poor representative of your party. She is, in my opinion, disrespectful to the citizens of the North Country. You need to get rid of her.

The following is a comment I made to a post on Political IV. I believe it bears repeating on here...

"Janet Kelly is a hypocrite.

One day, she is suggesting Democrat Addie Jenne Russell is not suitable for the job of Assemblywoman because she is a new mother and has a lot on her plate. The next day, she is on the front page of the Massena-Courier Observer singing the praises of Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. We should vote for Palin, Janet Kelly says--she is one of us--she hunts, fishes and her husband rides snowmobiles.

Well, isn't Mrs. Palin a new mother herself--of a special-needs baby, no less? I would deem the Vice-President a slight more demanding a position than that of North Country Assemblywoman, wouldn't you?

What's with the double standard? And does Janet Kelly really think we are that stupid to fall for that "she's one of us" crap? Jesus! I thought someone from here would have more integrity than that. I thought someone from here would show more respect for her fellow citizens of the North Country. She disgusts me. She is an insult to our people, to our area, to our heritage. She needs to move to the big city where she will fit right in with the rest of the Republicans who feel rural America is filled with a bunch of easily manipulated rubes, easily lead around like sheep to slaughter, easily told what to think like brainless backwoods idiots.

Well, I am not one of those rubes. She cannot fool me. She can kiss my ass."

In summation, I feel Janet Kelly insulted our intelligence--not as individuals, but as a collective group. Suggesting that we vote in favor of someone because they hunt and ride snowmobiles is one of the most ridiculous political endorsements I have ever had the misfortune to read. Unfortunately, sadly, people will listen to this drivel. This is why we are where we are eight years later, with a president some hick feels they can have a beer with.

Well, tell me, have you had that beer yet? Better yet, can you actually still afford beer?

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Those who cannot learn from history are condemned to repeat it

~George Santayana

They must have read my mind...

hat tip to abaycircus for finding this gem: